We believe love can transform every individual and the communities they are in, no matter what circumstances and challenges they face. So our work is not complete until every individual in the poorest parts of the UK experience genuine love & real positive change to their life circumstances - we call this Transformational Love.

A weekly youth club in a positive, structured and fun environment to engage young people in the local area and build relationships with them and their families. Youth club is successful due to a number of volunteers who support on the night.
This project serves over 70 local extremely vulnerable people freshly prepared meals each week. Those who attend are homeless or living transiently and often experiencing substance misuse issues and mental health challenges. This project works in partnership with Spitalfields Crypt Trust who provide specialist services to signpost and make referrals.


A weekly social space for some of the most isolated and elderly people in our local community. This project serves as an excellent opportunity for young people and older people to come together to increase unity in our community and improve understanding. Attendees to the project are provided with a freshly prepared meal as well as the opportunity to participate in exercise and team games.